Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Busk is Half Done

OK, things were going so well this morning. I used a half hour before I had to leave for work to mark out the spacing for the busk's hook side. So far, so good. The Hello Kitty pencil comes in handy again!!

Cool and calm first things in the morning, with a good strong cup of coffee nearby, I zipped through this part of the task. Yes, mom, I can follow instructions. You're supposed to sew little stop-and-start dashes.

And then the busk's hooks go sandwiched between the seam allowances, once you turn it around. Sorry for the blurry photo, but I had to leave for work! 

But then, in the evening, after a long busy day at the office and an hour+ commute through rush hour, I should have known better than to try and finish it up. I measured and poked holes for the knob side... out of alignment, too deep away from the edge. Plus, this fake silk brocade frays like crazy! When I poke a hole with my awl, the threads shrivel back up. I put a dab of FrayCheck around the hole, and that sealed them like glue! It didn't do this on the other test corset I made of cotton.... Grrrrr!!!  I am now debating if I should poke new holes when I am calm and rested, and try to cover up the other holes somehow. FrayCheck could work to my advantage instead of causing more frustration. Or, I have plenty of leftover fabric that I could re-cut this one piece and poke new holes. What to do? Maybe I'll watch a video of Bishonen Rancher and see if she has any tips. 

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