I tried making them out of plaster cloth, but I was so desperately unhappy with the results...
I mean, really. Look at that. OK, if I was a serious cosplay costumer, I would have a full workshop with molds and plastic resin casting supplies. But I'm not quite there yet. This is supposed to be fun, right?
The knife turned out GREAT though, by baking Fimo onto the plaster-mold casting of a blade. It feels like real stone. It even makes a tinky-tink sound when you tap it on the table. My little assistant just needs to paint the red chevron stripes on it, and we can call the knife done.
The necklace is coming along. I'm puzzling over the earrings. I have not yet done the face but we're close. BUT it was the ears stressing me out! I decided to scrap the plaster cloth, the sculptamold, all of it. Although I did use those forms to shape ears out of freshly bought cherry red Fimo clay -- I stood in line at JoAnn's on Sunday for a solid 20 minutes waiting for some cranky ol' gal to haggle over the discount price of remnant scraps and insisting on using a coupon she had downloaded to her smart phone except she did not capture the part of the coupon that had the bar code! Arrrgh.
Suffering paid off, because the new ears are thin, light, and about as well formed as you can expect from hand pinching. The plan now is to fix them onto a headband and glue scraps of matching fur on the band so it fits either on the hood or through holes in the hood. We'll get to that puzzle later!
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